[zeromq-dev] epgm subscriber connect error : invalid argument

Steven McCoy steven.mccoy at miru.hk
Tue Jan 29 18:02:53 CET 2013

On 29 January 2013 10:30, gizem güleşir <gizemgulesir at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using zmq 3.2 in C, compile with g++ (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubunutu5)
> 4.6.3, platform Ubuntu 12.04.1 GNU/Linux, kernel 3.2.0. I use
> publisher-subscriber sockets with epgm. Every libzmq calls have error
> checking conditions implemented in my program. I have a publisher and
> subscriber, publisher binds to the address : "epgm://eth0;"
> .

>From trunk?  The connect should fail if the transport parameter fails to
parse correctly with the current snapshot of the interface table.

If you can consistently see the problem over a period of time may I suggest
hard coding the interface IP instead of using the name.

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