[zeromq-dev] IPC communication between C and JAVA application

Federico Serale federico.serale at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 10:25:00 CET 2013

I added socket.setLinger(0) but not changed anything.
I realized that the problem is in the client because when I start the 
server I see that the file is created, but when I start the client the 
file is not modified.
> One way for this to happen is for the client to call socket.setLinger(0)
> before the call to socket.connect().  I see that's not what you're
> doing, but perhaps the default linger is 0 instead of -1 in your build
> environment?
> You could also `ls -l /tmp/test` while the server is running to check
> whether it was created and when it was last modified.  This, combined
> with running the client or server alone, might help to find out what's
> going on.
> On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 04:04:04PM +0100, Federico Serale wrote:
>> i'm on a ubuntu OS and i am trying to make a communication between C
>> and  JAVA with IPC.
>> i created a server In C, and this is the code:
>>     #include "testutil.hpp"
>>     #include <stdio.h>
>>     int main () {
>>          void *ctx = zmq_init (1);
>>          assert (ctx);
>>          void *sb = zmq_socket (ctx, ZMQ_REP);
>>          assert (sb);
>>          int rc = zmq_bind (sb, "ipc:///tmp/test");
>>          assert (rc == 0);
>>          /* Create an empty ØMQ message */
>>          zmq_msg_t msg;
>>          rc = zmq_msg_init (&msg);
>>          assert (rc == 0);
>>          /* Block until a message is available to be received from socket */
>>          rc = zmq_recv (sb, &msg, 0, 0);
>>          assert (rc == 0);
>>          printf("%s", msg);
>>          /* Release message */ zmq_msg_close (&msg);
>>          rc = zmq_close (sb);
>>          assert (rc == 0);
>>          rc = zmq_term (ctx);
>>          assert (rc == 0);
>>          return 0;
>>     }
>> and i created a client in JAVA, this is the code:
>>     import org.zeromq.ZMQ;
>>     public class Main{
>>          public static void main(String[] args){
>>              //  Prepare our context and socket
>>              ZMQ.Context context = ZMQ.context(1);
>>              ZMQ.Socket socket = context.socket(ZMQ.REQ);
>>              System.out.println("Connecting to hello world server...");
>>              socket.connect ("ipc:///tmp/test");
>>              String requestString = "Hello\n";
>>              byte[] request = requestString.getBytes();
>>              request[request.length-1]=0; //Sets the last byte to 0
>>              // Send the message
>>              socket.send(request, 0);
>>          }
>>     }
>> The client application seems that ends successfully, while the
>> server application is blocked waiting for reception of a message.
>> What could be the problem?
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