[zeromq-dev] Issue in tcp_connecter.cpp in Windows

Pau pau at teleopsia.com
Mon Jan 21 18:23:16 CET 2013


I have seen that the function /zmq::fd_t zmq::tcp_connecter_t::connect 
()/ is called quite often when some apps are communicating. I am not 
sure about the reasons, I think the LAN where I've done the tests is not 
working properly, sometimes (mayby minutes, maybe hours) an error 
In line (253) some values are checked and the error is dicarded if it is 
a known error but not WSAEADDRINUSE.
     //  Assert if the error was caused by 0MQ bug.
     //  Networking problems are OK. No need to assert.

I d not know why this error happens and I do not know if it is really 
serious, what I've seen is that adding this error to the discardable 
ones seems to leave things working well.
I am not saying this is the solution because I do not really know 
potential side damages but now I have the 'if' like this (bold added by me):

     zmq_assert (rc == 0);
     if (err != 0) {
         if (err == WSAECONNREFUSED || err == WSAETIMEDOUT ||
               err == WSAECONNABORTED || err == WSAEHOSTUNREACH ||
               err == WSAENETUNREACH || err == WSAENETDOWN
*|| err == WSAEADDRINUSE*    // PAUMOD Sometimes this happens but 
nothing goes terribly wrong
             return retired_fd;
         wsa_assert_no (err);

Does anybody know what is the best attitude in front of this error?


Pau Ceano
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