[zeromq-dev] zmq_send and zmq_rcv fail with unknown error

Brian Knox briank at talksum.com
Thu Jan 10 14:13:13 CET 2013

"Moreover, I tried changing the zmq_connect to connect to a random IP 
address that does not exist and I still get a successfull connection but 
obviously nothing was connected..."

This is normal / expected behavior with ZeroMQ.

As for your logstash issue, I  haven't worked with logstash before so I 
can't hazard a guess.  However, using a ZMQ_PAIR socket to connect to 
another process is a bit strange and I'm uncertain why you would do 
that.  It doesn't make sense to me that logstash would listen on a 
ZMQ_PAIR as ZMQ_PAIR is mainly for use with inter-thread message passing 
using the inproc transport ( see the documentation at 
http://api.zeromq.org/3-2:zmq-socket ).


On 1/10/2013 5:18 AM, Simone wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> I am using logstash to receive logs from my application. The communication is
> done using ZeroMQ. The application sends to the logstash server using ZMQ_PAIR.
> The connection and context creation on the application side return no error,
> however by invoking either zmq_send or zmq_recv I get -1 and errno set to 0 and
> zmq_errno() set to 128.
> Unknown errors.....
> Moreover, I tried changing the zmq_connect to connect to a random IP address
> that
> does not exist and I still get a successfull connection but obviously nothing
> was
> connected...
> I am working on Windows x64 using ZeroMQ 2.2 on the client side (since this is
> the version supported by Logstash). Logstash does not seem to be the problem
> since I am quite sure the connection is not even established.
> I installed ZeroMQ from http://www.zeromq.org/distro:microsoft-windows using 2.2
> for Windows 7 and using the library libzmq-v100-mt.dll for running, precompiled,
> contained in the bin directory of the installation dir.
> Any idea?
> thanks a lot
> Simone Zandara
> Network Pogrammer - Massive Ubisoft Entertainment
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