[zeromq-dev] How to send binary and text massage in one massage

Wes Young wes at barely3am.com
Thu Jan 10 11:46:17 CET 2013

seems like you could just [compress and/or] base64 encode the entire thing before it hits the zmq stack and de-combobulate it on the other end, then the multi-messaging should be easier(?). that way you're just handing a string to the zmq stack and leaving the heavy lifting to your application.

On Jan 10, 2013, at 3:23 AM, Matias Guijarro wrote:

> Maybe the easiest is to keep the xml format for messages,
> and to encode the binary file into base64 for example.
> Or you can maybe use multi-part messages of zmq, first part
> being xml and second (optional ?) part a binary chunk
> corresponding to your file.


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