[zeromq-dev] queue length

Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis xekoukou at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 07:26:51 CET 2013

I have a case where I want to have minimum latency, thus I would like that
the queue length is zero at all times.
If more messages arrive, I would like to drop them. The selection of the
messages dropped will be based on a priority

How can I guarantee that the queue will always be near zero, ie how do i
determine the percentage of msgs that need to be dropped?

Is this solution correct?

a)Measure the speed of processed msgs.
b)start dropping an increasing percentage of msgs till the speed of
processed msgs start to drop.
c)start decreasing the percentage of msgs dropped if the thread is idle for
an amount of time.


Sincerely yours,

     Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis
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