[zeromq-dev] Distributed Event Bus

Min miniway at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 09:31:55 CET 2013

You could steal the Storm's idea if you need a certain level of reliablity.


But basically, it would be extremely hard to achive exactly-once messaging
without a severe performance penalty.


2013년 2월 20일 수요일에 Ian Barber님이 작성:

> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Pieter Hintjens <ph at imatix.com> wrote:
>> Yes, events != state. In fact Zyre is already a distributed event bus
>> that can scale to about 100 peers (from experience) on WiFi, and a bit
>> more than that on a LAN. Persistence and consistency are quite another
>> story.
>> -Pieter
> Tom's Paxos implementation might be of interest to the OP here as well:
> https://github.com/cocagne/paxos - layering something like that over the
> top of zyre might help. Or the post-ordering rotating token algo, treat
> zyre like a multicast.
> Ian
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