[zeromq-dev] ZMQ, PGM and Message Loss

Charles Remes lists at chuckremes.com
Fri Feb 8 17:27:45 CET 2013

On Feb 8, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Dave <dlauer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can't seem to find information online about how ZeroMQ deals with message loss when using multicast. Can someone point me to some info or a guide on this? How do subscribers request retransmissions? Is this entirely up to the application, or is it supported by the message library?

You can configure the retry mechanisms in epgm itself but those can get overrun too. If you need more guarantees on delivery, take a look a the guid at zguide.zeromq.org and read up on the "clone pattern."


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