[zeromq-dev] Async access to a single socket - send and recv without reducing throughput

Bruno D. Rodrigues bruno.rodrigues at litux.org
Tue Dec 31 13:43:59 CET 2013

poll on an additional pair of zmq inproc:// sockets ;)

On Dec 31, 2013, at 12:41, Matt Connolly <matt.connolly at me.com> wrote:

> Zmq poller can also wake on standard file descriptors (eg unix socket). If your custom event can write to a unix socket or pipe you might be in luck. 
> Cheers
> Matt. 
>> On 31 Dec 2013, at 4:35 pm, Amir Taaki <zgenjix at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I was reading the docs and saw:
>> "How can I integrate ØMQ sockets with normal sockets? Or with a GUI event loop? 
>> You can use the zmq_poll() function to poll for events on both ØMQ and normal sockets. The zmq_poll() function accepts a timeout so if you need to poll and process GUI 
>> events in the same application thread you can set a timeout and 
>> periodically poll for GUI events. See also the reference documentation."
>> How can I wake up zmq_poll() with a custom event? This seems to solve my problems if possible. Then I can create a wakeup to process sends in the polling loop.
>> On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 6:14 AM, Amir Taaki <zgenjix at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have a bit of a design issue. I want to achieve this:
>> - Software receives a request on a DEALER socket from a ROUTER socket (think the worker in paranoid pirate pattern).
>> - Request is executed asynchronously in the software. Result is ready inside another thread.
>> - Send it back over the same socket as the receive.
>> In an ideal world, I'd be polling the socket to receive in one thread, and then performing the sends from another. But we cannot use sockets from multiple threads - sockets can only be used from one thread.
>> Currently I have a multi-producer single-consumer lockless queue for sends, and then there's an std::condition_variable that's waiting for a signal to wake-up and batch process the send queue. Also there's a polling loop for receives. All the options I can think of have downsides:
>> * Use a separate receive and send socket. I'd need some mechanism so that the broker (ppqueue) is aware of receive/send socket pairs. Maybe a special message for the broker that isn't relayed, but indicates the identity of the receive socket.
>> * Polling then sending reduces the throughput of sends. I've benchmarked performance and it's a significant hit. You're essentially penalising sends by T microsecs. Sleeping for 0 is not a good idea since CPU usage hits 100%.
>> * Using the same socket but synchronising access from the send/recv threads - ZMQ crashes infrequently when I do this because of triggered asserts. It'd be great if I know how to do this safely (maybe by calling some method on the socket).
>> How do I achieve this scenario of 50% random receives and 50% random sends? It's not like the classic scenario of a receive, followed by some synchronous code path, and then a send (within the same thread). It's not an option to wait for requests to finish as I dropped Thrift to use ZMQ because of its async ability.
>> Thanks!
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