[zeromq-dev] Can we customize a behaviour for in-mem queued messages after reconnect?

artemv zmq artemv.zmq at gmail.com
Fri Dec 20 15:35:12 CET 2013

I found following in t the "0mq Guide"  under section
http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#Plugging-Sockets-into-the-Topology there's

   - The network connection itself happens in the background, and ØMQ will
   automatically reconnect if the network connection is broken (e.g., if the
   peer disappears and then comes back).

This leads me to think that 0mq can distinguish -- what is "connect" and
what's "reconnect". Am I right?   So, original question remains -- can I
customize "reconnect" in following way:   "if this is reconnect -- then
clear in-mem message queue" ?

2013/12/20 artemv zmq <artemv.zmq at gmail.com>

> Ok.    So what is definition of reconnection then?  I was under impression
> that 0mq distinguishes terms "connected"  and "reconnected".  Confused.
> 2013/12/20 Pieter Hintjens <ph at imatix.com>
>> Messages are not being redelivered. They are being queued on an
>> outgoing pipe, created when you call connect, and when that pipe is
>> connected, being delivered. Please read the socket pattern specs, RFC
>> 28 specifically for DEALER semantics.
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