[zeromq-dev] [ADV] ZeroMQ book - now available from O'Reilly

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Mon Dec 16 21:50:54 CET 2013

Hi all,

Inspired by Joe Armstrong's blog post [1], I'd like to point out that
my ZeroMQ book is [still] available from O'Reilly [2].

This exactly the same as the online Guide, except it has a nicer cover
and comes in paper. It makes a great gift, and all sales go towards
ZeroMQ development.

Anyone using ZeroMQ seriously will enjoy and appreciate this book.

-Pieter Hintjens

[1] http://joearms.github.io/2013/04/13/Read-me-on-a-mobile.html
[2] http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920026136.do

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