[zeromq-dev] Reconnect failed after iptables tricks

artemv zmq artemv.zmq at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 12:54:27 CET 2013


I was testing simple connection lose scenario  on a simple DEALER-ROUTER
D was a client on Windows7, R was a server on VirtualBox.
What happened: I started them both,   saw chatting between them in logs;
after that I disabled a client ip on server host with "iptables" , ensured
that there is no more chatting between peers;  after that I had re-enabled
IP address of the client on server host; then went to logs  expecting to
see that chatting  began, but .. there was silence.

The question is: is it eligible way to test reconnection? or this is a bug
in ZMQ core?


block script: iptables  -I  INPUT -s <<IP-of-client>> -j DROP
unlock script:  iptables  -F
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