[zeromq-dev] Can I change a socket mechanism after a connect ?

Laurent Alebarde l.alebarde at free.fr
Tue Dec 10 11:45:55 CET 2013

Thanks Pieter for your reply.

"nor is there any sense in it" : The usual opinion is that when one 
invent the wheel, he doesn't know 90% of the usefull applications others 
will do with it. In my use case, it concerns curve proxying. Registering 
workers under NULL before making the proxy active with CURVE is simplier.

So, may I assume it is alright if I I zmq_disconnect, change the 
security options of the socket, and re-zmq_connect ?

Other solution from our other discussion, may I assume I can use a 
specific NULL socket between the worker and the proxy, just for 
registration, and setting the same identities on both sockets, the NULL 
one for registration, and the CURVE one that shall be proxified ?

Le 10/12/2013 10:15, Pieter Hintjens a écrit :
> The security mechanism, like some other socket options, applies to the
> next connection (in or outgoing). A single TCP connection cannot
> switch between mechanisms. There's no protocol for that, nor is there
> any sense in it. Changing security level on a socket after having
> connections is also dangerous and we've discussed banning it.
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Laurent Alebarde<l.alebarde at free.fr>  wrote:
>> Hi Devs,
>> Is it possible to start a socket as NULL, send some messages, then change
>> the socket to CURVE ?
>> Does the identity of the socket change in the process ?
>> Cheers,
>> Laurent
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