[zeromq-dev] Can I change a socket mechanism after a connect ?

Laurent Alebarde l.alebarde at free.fr
Tue Dec 10 10:49:26 CET 2013

Thanks Pieter for your reply.

"nor is there any sense in it" : The usual opinion is that when one 
invent the wheel, he doesn't know 90% of the usefull applications others 
will do with it. In my use case, it concerns curve proxying. Registering 
workers under NULL before making the proxy active with CURVE is 
simplier. I could use a specific socket, but I assume the identity is 
different then ?

So, may I assume it is alright if I I zmq_disconnect, change the 
security options of the socket, and re-zmq_connect ?

Le 10/12/2013 10:15, Pieter Hintjens a écrit :
> The security mechanism, like some other socket options, applies to the
> next connection (in or outgoing). A single TCP connection cannot
> switch between mechanisms. There's no protocol for that, nor is there
> any sense in it. Changing security level on a socket after having
> connections is also dangerous and we've discussed banning it.
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Laurent Alebarde <l.alebarde at free.fr> wrote:
>> Hi Devs,
>> Is it possible to start a socket as NULL, send some messages, then change
>> the socket to CURVE ?
>> Does the identity of the socket change in the process ?
>> Cheers,
>> Laurent
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