[zeromq-dev] curvezmq code review : possible memory violation in s_produce_hello - s_encrypt - memcpy

Laurent Alebarde l.alebarde at free.fr
Mon Aug 19 12:47:27 CEST 2013

Sorry Pieter, I made a mistake. My test (below) does not pass. I have to 
dig more.

Le 19/08/2013 12:24, Laurent Alebarde a écrit :
> Pieter,
> I am far from having analysed all the CurveZMQ library, but the 
> following change passes the tests :
> src/cusrc/curvezmq_codec.c - s_encrypt :
> Before :
>     size_t box_size = crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + size;
>     byte *plain = malloc (box_size);
>     byte *box = malloc (box_size);
> .....
>     memcpy (target, box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, size + 
> crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
> After :
>     size_t plain_size = crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + size;
>     byte *plain = malloc (plain_size);
>     size_t box_size = crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + size;
>     byte *box = malloc (box_size);
> .....
>     memcpy (target, box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, size);
> Le 18/08/2013 10:07, Pieter Hintjens a écrit :
>> Thanks for this analysis. I'll look at it when I have an hour or two;
>> it's too tricky to fix in passing.
>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:30 PM, Laurent Alebarde<l.alebarde at free.fr>  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am reviewing the curvezmq code with a debugger :
>>> Fact :
>>> in curvezmq_codec.c (s_encrypt from s_produce_hello, line 288) :
>>> memcpy (target, box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, size +
>>> crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
>>> copies from (box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES) (size + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES)
>>> bytes
>>> Debugger aborts (while the executable itself in a shell works well).
>>> Consequences :
>>>      1) an amount of (crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES) undefined bytes after the box
>>> are copied to target, while the box is malloc-ed with a size of
>>> (crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + size)
>>>      2) the spec "target must be nonce + box" is not fullfilled since the
>>> first crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES bytes of the box are not copied to target (may
>>> be ok since they are zeros)
>>> Possible solutions :
>>>      1) change to : memcpy (target, box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, size);
>>>          and set appropriatly the remaining (crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES) bytes
>>> of target
>>>      2) change to : memcpy (target, box, size + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
>>>          and adapt the size of target : hello_t.box becomes : bytes box[96]
>>>      3) change to : memcpy (target, box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, size);
>>>          and adapt the size of target : hello_t.box becomes : bytes box[64]
>>> In addition : box should be malloc-ed with a size of
>>> (crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + size) instead of (crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + size)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Laurent.
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