[zeromq-dev] Cryptography in NaCl, Daniel J. Bernstein

Lucas Hope lucas.r.hope at gmail.com
Sun Aug 18 09:23:03 CEST 2013

Hi Laurent,

Thanks for that! It seemed relatively straightforward, except for the magic
functions and their properties which I just took as given. I don't quite
have the background for that.

The examples in code were nice, but it did take a fair bit of re-reading to
work out why things were being done.

It took me a while to work out the logic behind the authenticator (chap 9),
until I realised that both sides have knowledge of the r, s and c inputs to

I also spent a bit of time going through CurveZMQ and CurveCP over the
weekend. It took me a while, but I do understand the what and the why of
CurveZMQ, now. That CurveCP handshake is so clever!

The protocols fit together in such a nice way, and they seem really secure
(so long as the magic NaCl function properties remain intact).

Thanks again for the reference.


On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 1:02 AM, Laurent Alebarde <l.alebarde at free.fr>wrote:

>  I found this paper from the original algorithm author usefull to
> understand CurveCP and CurveZMQ protocols :
> http://cr.yp.to/highspeed/naclcrypto-20090310.pdf
> Don't forget to take some aspirin.....
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Dr Lucas Hope - lucas.r.hope at skype
Machine Learning and Software Engineering Consultant
Melbourne, Australia
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