[zeromq-dev] Validating ZMQ Java Sockets

Gonzalo Vasquez gvasquez at altiuz.cl
Thu Apr 18 17:40:05 CEST 2013

I've created an object pool using apache-pool (1.5.4), and I've only been able to implement makeObject and destroyObject methods as I don't know how to validate if sockets are valid/working or not, and don't know if there's really anything to be implemented in the activate/passivate methods.

Ref: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-pool/api-1.6/org/apache/commons/pool/PoolableObjectFactory.html

Any hints would be appreciated.-

PS: Please see attached source file
Gonzalo Vásquez Sáez
Gerente Investigación y Desarrollo (R&D)
Altiuz Soluciones Tecnológicas de Negocios Ltda.
Av. Nueva Tajamar 555 Of. 802, Las Condes - CP 7550099
+56 2 335 2461
gvasquez at altiuz.cl

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