[zeromq-dev] question about czmq zctx_destroy

Evan Gates evan.gates at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 17:17:58 CEST 2013

Out of curiosity, why don't calls that take ownership also nullify a
reference? For example, after a zmsg_push() the message owns the frame and
will destroy it when the message is destroyed (zmsg_destroy(),
zmsg_send()). Why doesn't this nullify the frame reference? (I personally
just end up doing it myself the next line as it makes cleanup in case of
errors easier for me.)


On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 8:03 AM, Michel Pelletier <
pelletier.michel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, that makes perfect sense now, destroy is overwriting my pointer with
> NULL so that I can check that.  I'm using the picolisp "native" function
> which is working well for all other czmq functions.  It's not a problem
> anymore, I'm faking it by wrapping my pointer in a one item structure and
> passing a pointer to that.  Almost have complete bindings!
> -Michel
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 10:40 PM, Pieter Hintjens <ph at imatix.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 7:17 AM, Michel Pelletier
>> <pelletier.michel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > This is nagging me in a minor way:
>> >
>> > CZMQ_EXPORT zctx_t *
>> >     zctx_new (void);
>> >
>> > //  Destroy context and all sockets in it, replaces zmq_term
>> > CZMQ_EXPORT void
>> >     zctx_destroy (zctx_t **self_p);
>> >
>> >
>> > Why does new return a pointer to a context, but destroy wants a pointer
>> to
>> > that pointer?  I'm trying to call this functions via an FFI interface,
>> but I
>> > can't pass the result of new to destroy and I don't have the equivalent
>> of
>> > the & operator in the FFI environment.
>> Hmm... the "destroy nullifies reference" pattern is one we've been
>> using for sometime in C with success. I'd not realized it might create
>> problems for bindings.
>> > I've got a workaround, but is there a particular reason for this?
>> The reason for the style is to clean up after destruction so that
>> further code can catch null references and either ignore them or
>> assert, but not try to access freed memory. That does work pretty
>> well. All the CZMQ modules work like this.
>> What are the limitations you have in FFI?
>> -Pieter
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