[zeromq-dev] Pros and cons of using Cassandra for storage?

Min miniway at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 06:40:56 CEST 2013

I would agree that 100% guranteed messaging is really expensive.

Cassandra might be good if data fit for it. For example a message can be
accesed by a unique key. Otherwise you should design schema carefully.

Anyway overall performance will be bound to Cassandra's performance.

If you have to store messages for a batch processing or archiving, I would
suggest Kafka or ZPER. They have better performance and are simple.


2013년 4월 18일 목요일에 Bennie Kloosteman님이 작성:

> The other question is do you want persistant messaging ...To which i would
> say  no ( in 95% of cases) ...good in theory , crap in the field  and
> builds the expectation that things just work and when things  go pear shape
> and it doesnt "just work" you dont have the systems that  deal with
> failure.
> But yes this has nothing to do with a transport.
> Ben
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Pieter Hintjens <ph at imatix.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'ph at imatix.com');>
> > wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Jason Mulligan <jason at attack.io<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'jason at attack.io');>>
>> wrote:
>> > I'm preparing to have a MQ discussion with coworkers, and I was asked
>> if 0mq can use Cassandra for storage, for durability & and to lessen the
>> requirement for another database in play.
>> >
>> > So, my question is, has anyone looked into this? What did you find for
>> pros/cons? Is it too slow?
>> >
>> > If anyone knows where I could read up about someone's findings, that'd
>> be very helpful.
>> Just to be clear here, 0MQ doesn't use anything for storage, it's a
>> transport layer. You'd write clients and workers and queues that used
>> 0MQ to connect to each other, and then use Cassandra (or whatever
>> storage) in the appropriate places where you wanted to hold state.
>> So the question is really, "does Cassandra work well?"
>> -Pieter
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