[zeromq-dev] pyzmq and labview-zmq are so much slower than JeroMQ.

crocket crockabiscuit at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 11:10:03 CEST 2013

JeroMQ is both a java reimplementation and a higher level API of libzmq.
labview-zmq is basically a wrapper around libzmq for LabVIEW.
pyzmq is also basically a wrapper around it.

I made ROUTER.py and DEALER.py and executed them to measure performance.
Those python codes are attached to this email.

With pyzmq, it takes 200~280ms for DEALER to send 10000 requests to ROUTER
and retrieve 10,000 replies in batch.

With labview-zmq, the same code takes about 1500~1700ms.

With JeroMQ, it takes about 30~40ms.

Why do different bindings have different performance characteristics?
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