[zeromq-dev] Delayed message reception problem.

Divya Mohan divya.mohan310 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 08:03:36 CEST 2013

Hi Pieter,

Please see my answers inline.
Is there a particular reason you're using multiple threads in the
receiver? Also, why are you creating a pub socket there?

- Actual application requires multiple threads for handling different
functions. Socket* will not be* shared between different threads.
I will run the test case again after creating the PUB socket inside recieve
thread (and also strip down the receive function.)

- Then, if the delay only hits after 10 hours (did you tell us this
before? It's crucial information),

When the delay will happen is not predictable. First trial : happened after
10 hrs.
Yesterday I tried with ZMQ PULL/PUSH sockets (just to see if this issue is
seen only with PUB/SUB sockets) and *got the delay after 2 hrs*. And
previously same tests were run with my wrapper layer above zeromq and delay
was seen after 2-3 hrs.

I am looking into different Profiler options to see if I can get the CPU
usage. I will check for memory leaks as well.
But if its CPU usage issue: Then* why am I not seeing it in case of message
queues *.* Are there any delays/sleep inside ZeroMq code that could put my
process to sleep/suspended state and hence result in this delay?*. (I tried
going through the Zeromq code but couldnt find any such scenario).


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Pieter Hintjens <ph at imatix.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Divya Mohan <divya.mohan310 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Test ran for more than 48hrs.
> > NOTE:  Message delay will be seen only after running the test for a
> couple
> > of hours. (in my case after 10 hrs)
> Thanks for the test code.
> Is there a particular reason you're using multiple threads in the
> receiver? Also, why are you creating a pub socket there?
> I'd advise you to strip down the receiver further.
> Then, if the delay only hits after 10 hours (did you tell us this
> before? It's crucial information), it's probably due to a resource
> issue of some kind. Very hard to reproduce that without your actual
> set-up. Can you do some kind of system monitoring to ensure that (a)
> there's no memory leak and (b) there's no other process taking up CPU
> at that moment?
> Thanks
>  Pieter
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