[zeromq-dev] ZMQ hanged :(

Gonzalo Vasquez gvasquez at altiuz.cl
Wed Apr 10 16:37:04 CEST 2013

After a while stressing this setup the connector side hangs in line 480:

byte[] data = req.recv();

It seems that there's no answer from the server, but on the server log I can see everything has been "answered".

This is running in Windows 2008 Server R2 Datacenter with JEROMQ (jero-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)

After the "hang" the server get's really "stuck" until I terminate the server component.

Please see attached files: Connector.java is the client side and the pair Server/WorkerThread is the server side.

Any hints would be appreciated.

Gonzalo Vásquez Sáez
Gerente Investigación y Desarrollo (R&D)
Altiuz Soluciones Tecnológicas de Negocios Ltda.
Av. Nueva Tajamar 555 Of. 802, Las Condes - CP 7550099
+56 2 335 2461
gvasquez at altiuz.cl

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