[zeromq-dev] Not a valid DLL error

Nishant Mittal nmittal at rblt.com
Fri Apr 5 20:28:33 CEST 2013

My application is written in C#.. in visual studio I "Publish"ed it which
created a installer that I ran on user's machine. first .NET 4.0 was
installed and then my application. i located the folder where my
application was installed and then copied the libzmq.dll there.. but same

On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Eric Hill <eric at ijack.net> wrote:

> Here is how Windows searches for a DLL:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7d83bc18(v=vs.80).aspx
> References are for ActiveX or .Net frameworks, which libzmq.dll is not.
>  What language is your application written in?  C?  C++?  For C
> applications, the linker links to libzmq.lib, which contains a definition
> of the libzmq.dll export table.  The idea is that once an exe is linked,
> Windows will take care of loading the libzmq.dll into the app for you.  If
> Windows can't find it, then you get the error you're seeing.
> Since you said you put it in the bin/debug folder, I assume you're
> building a release build and now your exe is in bin/release?  Did you put
> the libzmq.dll in that folder?
> Eric
> On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Nishant Mittal <nmittal at rblt.com> wrote:
>> Eric, also I could not add it as a reference to my project in Visual
>> studio. so I just put it in the bin/Debug folder and it worked during
>> development.. but now when its time to deploy my application.. its
>> complaining about not finding libzmq.dll
>> thanks
>> Nishant
>> On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Nishant Mittal <nmittal at rblt.com> wrote:
>>> Eric, when i install my application on users machine and try to run it..
>>> it complains about not finding libzmq.dll however, that DLL is in the
>>> folder where the application is running from.. I am not a windows guy so
>>> pls excuse if this is a silly question
>>> thanks
>>> On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Eric Hill <eric at ijack.net> wrote:
>>>> You don't need to register libzmq.dll.  It's not an ActiveX dll.
>>>> On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Nishant Mittal <nmittal at rblt.com>wrote:
>>>>> when trying to register libzmq.dll on windows.. has anyone seen this?
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Nishant Mittal*
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>>> --
>>> *Nishant Mittal*
>>> Director, Product Development
>>> *Rosenblatt Securities Inc*.
>>> 20 Broad Street
>>> New York, NY 10005
>>> Direct: 212-607-3159
>>> Mobile: 646-504-2629
>> --
>> *Nishant Mittal*
>> Director, Product Development
>> *Rosenblatt Securities Inc*.
>> 20 Broad Street
>> New York, NY 10005
>> Direct: 212-607-3159
>> Mobile: 646-504-2629
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*Nishant Mittal*
Director, Product Development
*Rosenblatt Securities Inc*.
20 Broad Street
New York, NY 10005

Direct: 212-607-3159
Mobile: 646-504-2629
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