[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ Newbie
alapex0310 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 11:38:33 CEST 2013
Hi Eric,
Thanks for replying.
I also want to know if, in addition to using my own thread, I can use
multiple threads to handle ZMQ.
Best regards,
On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Eric Hill <eric at ijack.net> wrote:
>> I need to handle something like 8000 messages per second in a Windows
>> environment. The existing solution handles something like 32000 messages
>> per second and is based on Windows/IO-Completion ports.
> You should write up a test using any of the provided examples in the guide
> and benchmark your setup. Messaging throughput is very dependent on your
> architecture and interconnects. 8000 mps should be easily attainable. See
> here for a good benchmarking methodology:
> http://www.zeromq.org/whitepapers:measuring-performance
>> To start with, I need to know if I can handle that many messages using a
>> single-threaded approach with ZMQ as I assume that ZMQ does multi-threading
>> internally.
> Yes. Unless you're DOING something with the message, in which case the
> time you take to do something will negatively effect the overall throughput.
>> Also, I'd like to know if I could do better with multiple threads? How?
>> I'd be thankful if you could post links to related online articles and
>> examples.
> Again, zmq does a great job at handling the messages. You need to do YOUR
> work with whatever threading/IOCP/coroutine/fiber/magic methodology that
> suits the problem best.
> In addition, I want to know if I can send each ZMQ message encrypted using
>> Win32 Crypto API's default RSA provider, RSA_PROV_FULL, (I don't know if
>> other open-source alternatives exist to accomplish the same).
> zmq sends opaque messages. The data you put in the messages can be with
> whatever encryption you choose.
>> Finally, what causes the message loss? In which situations can I loose
>> messages?
> Switch latency, router latency, network latency in general, lousy network
> card, anti-virus programs, cosmic rays, poor orientation to the ether wind,
> etc. Message loss happens. It's your job to minimize it as much as
> possible, and deal with it when it happens.
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