[zeromq-dev] Talk about ZeroMQ

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Sun Sep 30 23:54:11 CEST 2012

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 11:14 PM, Andrea Crotti
<andrea.crotti.0 at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Ok I used some of the figures, the RST that generates the slides is here:
>> https://raw.github.com/AndreaCrotti/pyconuk2012_slides/master/zeromq/zeromq.rst

Very nice!

> - persistence
> - security
> - the crossroads.io fork
> - reliability
> - how can it be faster than TCP

Yes, these are the standard questions. To which, some standard answers:

> - persistence

There's no one ideal persistence solution. Build what you need
according to the use-case or take 0MQ packages like Majordomo.

> - security

There's no one ideal security solution. Pre-shared symmetric keys work
well for pub-sub (see SALT), SASL for connected protocols (see

> - the crossroads.io fork

A valuable lesson in the power of a community (or, how individual ego
and talent really doesn't count for much).

> - reliability

There is no one answer to reliability, there are dozens of different
cases, each has different optimal solutions. Ch4 of the Guide, etc.

> - how can it be faster than TCP

Wrong question; you can make highly optimized TCP apps (that do things
like lock-free queues, batching, etc.) at great cost and you can make
slow ones more cheaply. 0MQ gives you optimization cheaply. So it's
faster than slower TCP apps. but not faster than TCP.


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