[zeromq-dev] Odd numbers with zeromq

Maninder Batth whatpuzzlesme at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 18:33:24 CEST 2012

I have 2 use cases.

1. Clients which wiat for ack to publish next message

2. Clients which publish without needing any ack

Let me elaborate

2. *Clients which publish without needing ack: *
In this use case, a client publishes data as fast as it can in one
direction and server simply discards the output. Enclosed are files
zserver.cpp and zclient.cpp which accomplishes it.
What is puzzling to me is that i have 1Gb network, but based on the numbers
published by the zclient.cpp, i am able to publish 5GB in one second?
With message size of 1KB, i am able to publish 5157783 messages per second.
How is this possible ?

1. *Clients which wait for ack to publish next message*
In this use case, client publishes next message ONLY after it gets a
message from server. So essentially client waits for RTT to publish next
The same application as above in pt2, just using different socket type, now
client can barely publish 1k messages per second..
This is shown by file zclient-ack.cpp and zserver-ack.cpp

Can someone please explain the odd behavior?

Thank you,
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