[zeromq-dev] Compatibility 3.1 - 3.2.1-rc2

Emmanuel TAUREL taurel at esrf.fr
Thu Nov 15 13:45:39 CET 2012


On 15/11/2012 13:26, Pieter Hintjens wrote:
> So the 3.1 release is problematic, it uses the old wire protocol but 
> does subscription upstreaming. The strategy we're using now can't 
> recognize this mix. If anyone wants to take a look at the protocol and 
> see if there's a solution...
> I think we may have to consider 3.1 as an incompatible version. It 
> should not have been released as stable with this incompatibility.
Gasp !!
We have hundred  of processes running zmq 3.1 (nicely).
We have started with ZMQ 3.0 which has been made incompatible with ZMQ 
3.1. We moved to 3.1 and  now 3.2.1 is  incompatible.

For application users, these incompatibilities generate quite some 
trouble and make our life more complicated.



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