[zeromq-dev] zeromq under vxworks

Jason Freets jasonslife at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 18 07:46:53 CET 2012

Hi Martin, 

I've noticed you've ported ZMQ to VxWorks. Would you be willing to provide the source for this? 




Hello John,

i've already ported ZMQ (latest ported version: 2.0.10) to VxWorks.
At least for VxWorks 6.1 (which should also work for newer versions, but not for
older). I just used the ZMQ source code tried to compile and fixed the errors
with #defines.

Hint: Use ZMQ_HAVE_OPENVMS. There are some similarities.

If you want further Information, don't hessitate to contact me :)

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