[zeromq-dev] SEHException when calling zmq_init from clrzmq
Tom Robinson
Tom.Robinson at artesiansolutions.com
Tue Jun 19 18:39:33 CEST 2012
> As other pointed out, your -win64.exe version of zmq won't be helped by the redist package (x86). You should install the redist package for (x64) - e.g. -win64.exe
Sorry for any confusion around which redist package I'd installed. I originally installed the x64 version - I only tried the x86 version as well out of desperation :)
Anyway, I've made some progress. It seems that it's a win_assert triggering the exception in clrzmq. The redist version turned out to be a red herring.
File: signaler.cpp
int zmq::signaler_t::make_fdpair (fd_t *r_, fd_t *w_)
#if defined ZMQ_HAVE_EVENTFD
// Create eventfd object.
fd_t fd = eventfd (0, 0);
errno_assert (fd != -1);
*w_ = fd;
*r_ = fd;
return 0;
#elif defined ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS
// This function has to be in a system-wide critical section so that
// two instances of the library don't accidentally create signaler
// crossing the process boundary.
// We'll use named event object to implement the critical section.
// Note that if the event object already exists, the CreateEvent requests
// EVENT_ALL_ACCESS access right. If this fails, we try to open
// the event object asking for SYNCHRONIZE access only.
HANDLE sync = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, TRUE, TEXT ("zmq-signaler-port-sync"));
if (sync == NULL && GetLastError () == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
sync = OpenEvent (SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, TEXT ("zmq-signaler-port-sync"));
win_assert (sync != NULL);
Does anyone know why sync might be NULL? I am not a C++ programmer so be gentle :)
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