[zeromq-dev] android zmq

strexxx strexxx at free.fr
Thu Jun 14 21:36:42 CEST 2012


Don't know where to push this, and if it was already known.

I have followed the instruction on
with which I failed making a usable libraries...

still, it succeeds if:
 -  "-Werror" is removed (the tcp_address.cpp fails otherwise) from the zmq compilation
 - "-avoid-version" is added to the zmq compilation (android does not appreciate links libzmq.so -> libzmq.so.3 -> libzmq.so.3.0.0)
 - "--enabled-self-contained" has to be removed  ( following https://groups.google.com/group/android-ndk/browse_thread/thread/bb5bfae006a9c8a2 )

Hope it serves.

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