[zeromq-dev] Asymmetrical PUB-SUB problem

Mark Sutheran mark_sutheran at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 7 16:36:26 CEST 2012

Thanks for the suggestion Joshua. Unfortunately this doesn't fix the problem.

(I restricted the publisher to the one interface in order to avoid any possible confusion due to potential routing through some other interface)

However to add to the information - the SUB on box B can successfully connect to and receive data from any valid interface (wlan0, localhost, eth0) when the PUB binds to *.



 From: Joshua Foster <jhawk28 at gmail.com>
To: Mark Sutheran <mark_sutheran at yahoo.com>; ZeroMQ development list <zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org> 
Sent: Saturday, 7 July 2012, 22:14
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] Asymmetrical PUB-SUB problem

Try binding to * on box b 
when publishing.


Mark Sutheran
>July 7, 2012 9:42 AM
>I'm having a strange asymmetrical problem with tcp 
PUB/SUB between two boxes - it appears to fail one way.
>* zeromq version: 3.2, 
using the Java wrapper.
>* Scenario has two machines A (Ubuntu, x64) and B 
(Angstrom, arm8)
>* Both connected directly via wireless interface (B is acting as AP).
>Scenario 1: A->B. All as expected.
>* Box A:PUB bind wlan0 - 
publish messages 1x per second.
>* Box A:SUB connect <ipx> - see 
messages, yay!
>* Box B:SUB connect <ipx> - see messages, 
>Scenario 2: B->A. 
>* Box B:PUB bind wlan0 - publish messages 1x per second.
>* Box B:SUB connect 
<ipy> - see messages, yay!
>* Box A:SUB connect <ipx> - no 
messages, boo!
>However, if I change pattern...
>Scenario 3: Comparison
>* Box A: REQ - make n 
>* Box B: REP - send n replies. Replies received on Machine A as expected. Yay.
>There are absolutely no messages received at the 
SUB on A from the PUB on B (irrespective of the process start order) 
however, connecting a SUB on B to the interface's ip works fine. If I reverse the boxes I see the 
behaviour I expect - i.e. the SUBs on both boxes see the messages. As a 
contrast: if I run a REQ on A and REP on B, everything works as expected and the message sent from B is received at A.
>This is presumably a 
problem with my hardware/OS but I'm not sure even where to start 
looking... any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
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