[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ (and clrzmq) on Windows Mobile

Ian Barber ian.barber at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 10:49:02 CET 2012

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Boris Gulay <boris at boressoft.ru> wrote:

> If someone (especially leaders of the project) are interested in
> supporting WM, I can write a story about what problems I was faced with
> and how I solved them.

Great job! I think it would be brilliant to have the information about
building it on the wiki - I believe if you register or have wikidot login
you can add it yourself, but just say if not.

I've used MSVC solution as a base for this port. I made some changed to
> the source code that I put inside conditional compilation statements to
> use them only for WM platform. If project leaders will accept patches to
> the source code, we can make ZeroMQ compile for WM almost "out of the box".

The new contribution process has made this much easier - the simplest thing
to do is to fork the project on github, and submit a pull request back with
your changes - I can't see there being particular issues with ifdefing
things in and out.

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