[zeromq-dev] Job Ad: 0MQ oriented OSS S/W dev volunteer

john skaller skaller at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jan 27 10:19:43 CET 2012

Lets see how the job ad goes:

* Volunteer, OSS project, no pay :)
* Knowledge of 0MQ and C++ required
* Willing to learn Felix
* Knowledge of Erlang may be useful


* Manage Felix 0MQ binding
* Lift binding into Async I/O system to obtain non-blocking behaviour
* Complete Guide examples
* Develop network deployment application

Network Deployment System

This system will be developed in phases. The first phase
is responsible for running and checking the Guide examples.
The system will monitor output and check for correctness,
check termination conditions, kill servers when they're
not needed, and timeout rogue programs.

The app will basically be a support tool, a library, and a configuration
program written in a DSSL (Domain Specific Sublanguage) of Felix.
It's basically a strongly typed shell, and will probably have features
similar to Erlang (since that's what Erlang is designed for :)

The result should be able to run all the examples (i.e. not just ones
written in Felix). This may help ensure the Guide examples in all 
languages actually work.

Down the track it should do remote deployment (using 0MQ of course).

john skaller
skaller at users.sourceforge.net

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