[zeromq-dev] zmq_ipc

Andrew Hume andrew at research.att.com
Sun Jan 22 16:44:14 CET 2012

i am currently seeing the following scenario:

one process opens a PUSH socket on an ipc address /x/y
several processes open a PULL socket on that same /x/y
traffc flows as expected for 24-48 hrs.
then traffic stops.
the sending process is stalled in send, and all the reading processes
are stalled in a recv.

it is not readily reproducible.
traffic rate is not well known at this point, but an offpeak number
is 1.2M messages/s (= 173MB/s). the high point might be 3x or 4x that.

any hints on how i might proceed?
shoudl i try another transport?

Andrew Hume  (best -> Telework) +1 623-551-2845
andrew at research.att.com  (Work) +1 973-236-2014
AT&T Labs - Research; member of USENIX and LOPSA

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