[zeromq-dev] Using ZeroMQ on the Windows Phone 7.1/5 Mango Platform

Nick Talbot solutions at magichat.biz
Mon Jan 2 15:03:56 CET 2012

Thanks Ian, that sounds like a starting point for me. As you say, I may be able to implement a simple client, and just support a server implementation on WinPhone. 

Thanks again,

Sent from my iPhone

On 2 Jan 2012, at 12:42, Ian Barber <ian.barber at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Nick Talbot <solutions at magichat.biz> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Raw TCP sockets *are* available in Windows Phone 7, but only in C#, not C/C++. Windows Phone 7 is a sandbox system that only allows managed code, not raw C/C++ (which is why the zeromq libraries can't be used)
> So can I write some code to connect a C# normal socket to a Zeromq socket?
> Thanks,
> Nick
> You can implement the ZeroMQ protocol (http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:15)  directly, so you don't get the benefits of the library, but you can at least talk to the server  - that's why Martin was pointing you towards the Javascript, not because of the method it got to the socket, but because they had implemented the protocol themselves over that socket. Doesn't sound like there are any other options for windows phones at the moment. 
> Ian
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