[zeromq-dev] Binding to TCP port 0

Ian Barber ian.barber at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 18:35:14 CET 2012

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 4:01 PM, AJ Lewis <aj.lewis at quantum.com> wrote:

> Be aware that the Windows version (and some UNIX versions) behave
> differently than the GCC snprintf.  For example, on Windows, if the
> number of bytes required to store the data exceeds count, then count
> bytes are stored, a negative values is returned, and the string is *not*
> NULL terminated!  Quite annoying.
Thanks for that - in discussions with Mikko it seemed it might be easier to
use a std::string internally, and only turn to a c string when it is
requested, so I'll put that into the patch when I get a sec.

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