[zeromq-dev] Questions about Coding Style

niXman i.nixman at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 14:29:38 CET 2012

2012/2/11 john skaller <skaller at users.sourceforge.net>:
> On 11/02/2012, at 10:06 PM, niXman wrote:
>> Before writing something, I want to understand the attitude of the
>> project Administrators to innovations, and their readiness to take
>> measures for improving libzmq.
> It's fairly clear in the policy.
>> Meanwhile, even my simple patch [1] isn't accepted.
>> [1] https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/pull/240
> I added a comment. You solution seems reasonable and systematically implemented.
> The policy more or less requires that it be pulled, so you just need to wait.
> The policy here now is more oriented to action rather than talk.
> Roughly, if you think something should be done, just do it,
> let people know, if they don't like it they'll say so and you can undo it,
> fix it, or someone else can.
> And they will :)
> There's no need to fear someone will undo your changes.
> On the contrary, it's a relief!
> for example, as I comment on your pull request, in C++ there's another
> way to do it. You chose:
>        void f(T unused) { (void)unused; .. }
> The other way, in C++ only, is:
>        void f(T) { .. }
> i.e. don't name the argument. So, if I feel like it I could change your patch
> to the other way. I won't, the point is, there's a choice, you made it,
> and someone strongly dis-agreeing might re-patch or even revert.
> The advantage of that is that you don't have to feel completely responsible.
> Which encourages you to actually make changes.
> So basically .. if, after a while, you patch sticks and there's no complaint,
> you should actually put the rule in the Style Guide, how to treat unused
> arguments.

I understand that it OpenSource community. Therefore, I want to
understand relations of Administration of the project to patches and
sentences to add new functionality.

John, thanks for the explanation!

> --
> john skaller
> skaller at users.sourceforge.net
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