[zeromq-dev] Thread Safe sockets

Pieter Hintjens pieterh at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 03:42:28 CET 2012

Diversity breeds wisdom.
On Feb 9, 2012 9:27 AM, "john skaller" <skaller at users.sourceforge.net>

> On 09/02/2012, at 7:43 AM, Pieter Hintjens wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Dave Duchene <dduchene at absolute.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Why not add JSON and XML serialization for messages while we're at it?
> Why not have a configuration language for describing socket pairs? Because
> it complicates the library, and isn't needed for most applications. And
> *most importantly*, because the users of the library aren't asking for it.
> >
> > This is my opinion too, that change should be driven by demand, not
> > philosophy.
> I do not entirely agree with that. The reason is: users have experience
> but no real
> foresight. Only people with experience with competing packages or
> theoreticians
> can have foresight. Users get stuck in tiny incremental changes, they get
> used to
> doing things "the One Way (TM)" and have little understanding of alternate
> over-views.
> Consider for example my own experience on the ISO C++ committee.
> Do you really think STL *replaced* the whole C++ standard library in
> one fell swoop based on everyone's experience??
> Heck no! If the committee had been that driven by existing practice and
> user demand, C++ would have a woeful mish-mash of a library.
> What got STL into C++ was vision. We had a problem, a horrible library,
> and Stepanov came along -- he wasn't even a committee member -- and
> gave a presentation .. and the whole committee got seriously excited.
> The library design wasn't new as such, I believe there was an Ada
> implementation.
> But for C++ it was an entirely new concept and it just felt RIGHT.
> The decision to incorporate an entirely new and more or less untested
> design was (more or less) unanimous. There was hardly any demand
> from users. I mean how could there possibly be any demand for something
> that didn't exist yet?
> If I may, without offending anyone ..
> An American and a Frenchman are considering the new library.
> The American says
> "It works in practice!"
> And the Frenchman says:
> "Yes, but does it work in theory?"
> --
> john skaller
> skaller at users.sourceforge.net
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