[zeromq-dev] C++ assertion failed with Java client

AJ Lewis aj.lewis at quantum.com
Tue Feb 7 16:04:52 CET 2012

On Mon, Feb 06, 2012 at 05:08:22PM -0600, Pieter Hintjens wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 5:15 AM, Staffan Gimåker <staffan at spotify.com> wrote:
> > We want to avoid relying on features that will never make it
> > upstream as much as possible, so a work flow as outlined below makes
> > more sense to me personally.
> >
> >  * Propose a change upstream, either as an idea or a patch.
> >  * Hopefully get it reviewed and accepted.
> >  * Start using it internally, maintain it until it's available in an
> > upstream release.
> >
> > If there was a "staging" repo where things got discussed and reviewed
> > first, then accepted, and eventually merged to master, with any
> > changes in it having a higher chance of survival, it's a work flow
> > I'd consider.
> Indeed. This makes much sense. I've previously argued for using
> multiple repos for such separation but consensus was to use branches
> in one repo. Thus, the master branch is a staging area, and we then
> merge surviving (tested, proven) changes onto version branches.

Ok, this is what I was missing.

> The main problem with relying on a review process is that, by
> experience, it rarely happens. We've proof of that over the last years
> as Martin Sustrik has diligently sent patches to this list, yet they
> are rarely reviewed. At the same time, downstreaming such "trusted"
> patches to 2.1 stable has on more than one occasion created broken
> releases.
> And the notion that some team has the right to "accept" or "reject"
> patches is bogus in an open source community. Who elects these group?
> Why are they special? What if they never actually use 0MQ themselves,
> how then do they judge the economics of a change? In fact the only
> people who can judge the pros and cons of a feature are real users.
> And they can't do this by review, they have to be able to use the
> code.
> My conclusion, from observing our work over years, is that only real
> use can validate patches, and this will take time, often many
> iterations as patches zoom in on the right solution. One cannot demand
> every contributor to immediately produce perfect solutions. It creates
> an insurmountable barrier. Thus, the goal of getting changes into use
> rapidly, via a "this is experimental" area. And the least surprising
> place is libzmq master.

I think this makes sense too.  "Check in early, check in often."   

> I'm writing a detailed analysis and explanation of the history of our
> current processes, which should allow an empirical approach to our
> work. Opinions don't have much value, they are by definition biased.
> We need quantitative measures that can be tracked over time. This is
> what I'd like to capture.

Great! Looking forward to reading it.

> As for feature creep, we have the tools to manage that. They are the
> documented APIs and protocols. These are contracts that cannot be
> broken. They may be extended but anything that people do not use can
> be removed (and is, over time).

Yeah - it seems like we definitely need some more tests to verify these
are maintained.  I guess as long as the binding authors are using the
master branch (at least occasionally), there should be early warnings if
things are broken.

Thanks for the explanation - this makes much more sense to me now.
AJ Lewis
Software Engineer
Quantum Corporation

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