[zeromq-dev] Fwd: Beginner question with respect to zmq_proxy

Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis xekoukou at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 16:36:25 CET 2012

How can the client know what "nishant" means? Put the ip address instead.

2012/12/26 Nishant Mittal <nmittal at rblt.com>

> Hi All,
> I have a zmq_proxy device with ROUTER and DEALER in the front and back
> (attached code broker.c)
> router binds to tcp://*:5551 and dealer binds to tcp://*:6551
> the client connects to router with a REQ socket as tcp://nishant:5551 and
> worker connects to dealer with a REP socket as tcp://nishant:6551 where
> nishant is the hostname of the machine..
> the above works fine
> however, if I move the client to another machine.. the worker sees the
> request but the client doesn't get any response.. what am I doing wrong?
> thanks in advance for your help.
> --
> *Nishant Mittal*
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Sincerely yours,

     Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis
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