[zeromq-dev] inproc: If first connect occurs before bind, then retries don't seem to succeed...

Andy Ballingall TF ballingall at thefoundry.co.uk
Fri Dec 21 11:28:42 CET 2012

Hi Pieter,

> For inproc connect works synchronously and requires that bind has
> happened already. See http://api.zeromq.org/3-2:zmq-inproc#toc4
> It's not consistent with tcp:// and ipc:// but it does work in most cases.

The odd thing I'm seeing though is that If my first connect() happens
to beat the first bind(), - failing as expected - it appears that all
the future attempts to connect() fail too, even though most of them
certainly are happening after the bind() has had plenty of time to

If I ensure bind() happens first by using a small sleep() after
spawning the thread which does the bind(), then it all works fine as
you say (and I'm running with this workaround for now).

So it's just this question of whether I should be able to retry an
initially failing connect() until it succeeds (assuming the bind()
completes). My test program recreates the scenario with a retry-loop,
but I can't seem to get the connect() to work at all if it failed
once, but I'm quite new to zmq and might be making some basic error.


> -Pieter
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Andy Ballingall
Senior Software Engineer

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