[zeromq-dev] C++ syntax for new ZMQ objects

Claudio Carbone erupter at libero.it
Sat Dec 15 16:34:20 CET 2012

On 15/12/12 16:28, Claudio Carbone wrote:
> Exact failing point is in socket_base.cpp at line 323:
> /    rc = parse_uri (addr_, protocol, address);
>     if (rc != 0)
>         return -1;/
> Even if rc is effectively 0 (checked in GDB), the if (don't know why) 
> returns true.
> I'm at a loss here...

My bad, it's not there, rather somewhere deeper down the flow.
Anyway I've attached my simple library if anyone is feeling particularly 
altruistic and wants to help me.
Here is the main I'm using

#include <cstdlib>
#include <saetta.h>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
     Saetta::Server *myserver=new Saetta::Server;
     Saetta::Client *myclient=new Saetta::Client;

     return 0;

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