[zeromq-dev] Libev integration problem: Stop receiving ZMQ_EVENTS events

CheYi Lin cheyi.lin at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 08:36:41 CET 2012


I'm doing some zmq ROUTER-to-ROUTER experiments in my distributed
system prototype.
(single threaded, libev event loop based application)

Below is my test steps:

1. ROUTER A and B start, set unique identity, bind the address.

2. A connect to B.
3. A send HELLO to B continuously.
4. B recv HELLO then send HELLO_ACK back to A.
5. A recv HELLO_ACK and stop sending HELLO, handshake finished.

(start communication)
6. A and B send HEARTBEAT to each other every 0.5 seconds.
7. When HEARTBEAT received, A and B print "recv HEARTBEAT".

After about 30 seconds, A stop printing "recv HEARTBEAT" but B
continue printing "recv HEARTBEAT".
And few seconds later I terminate B, suddenly A print lots of "recv HEARTBEAT".

I notice that A stop being signaled from the ZMQ_FD (in gdb), so all
HEARTBEAT from B was queued
after A stop printing "recv HEARTBEAT".

My zmq-event handler:

Don't know why the handler stop receiving ZMQ_EVENTS events.
Could someone please review my code and give me some suggestions?

Sorry for my bad english.


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