[zeromq-dev] Event Identified

Lourens Naudé lourens at methodmissing.com
Mon Dec 10 00:07:06 CET 2012

Hi Doron,

Or you could also use the ZMQ_FD socket option
against zmq::socket_base_t::getsockopt (int option_, void *optval_,
    size_t *optvallen_) and not change the engine interface ...

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Doron Somech <somdoron at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Because of security needs I need to know the ip address of each socket
> connecting to my system (matching identity to ip address).
> I'm using dealer-router, the router is the one doing the bind and the
> dealer connecting, i thought about adding a new event called Event
> Identified or something that when the identifier message arrived this event
> is called (maybe only for tcp) with the identifier and socket file
> descriptor. there a lot of other thing this feature can be used to, you can
> now deny anonymous identities (close the socket of any anonymous identity),
> just verify identity or manage a list of socket to identifier.
> Anyway I thought to implement this in the push_msg method of the
> session_base, the problem is that i don't have the socket file descriptor
> in the session_base class.
> I thought about adding GetFD to the IEngine interface and then the PushMsg
> will use that method to get the file descriptor (the method will return
> zero if engine is using socket).
> .
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Doron
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