[zeromq-dev] dynamic discovery problem

Stefan Radomski radomski at tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Sun Dec 9 18:26:27 CET 2012

And so we all write distributed pub/sub systems =)

Maybe we can coordinate our efforts sometime soon.

On Dec 9, 2012, at 1:56 PM, Domenico Maria Giffone <domenico.giffone at gmail.com<mailto:domenico.giffone at gmail.com>> wrote:

Zyre is a very exciting news for me because it fills an important gap.


BTW a few weeks ago, to become familiar with JeroMQ, I tried to build a prototype in Java in which the function of service discovery is based on ZeroConf.
You can find it here:


The project is still in the early stages of development - and who knows if I'll ever find the time to spend on it - So you have been warned, use at your own risk! ;)



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