[zeromq-dev] ZPER - Kafka inspired persistence broker

Yu Dongmin miniway at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 11:04:58 CET 2012


I started a fun project ZPER, zeromq persistence broker. 


This works similar as Apache kafka does. 

Here's the sample of producer code. Then broker will store message as ZMTP 2.0 raw format.

    Context ctx = ZMQ.context (1);
    Socket sock = ctx.socket (ZMQ.DEALER);

    sock.setIdentity (ZPUtils.genTopicIdentity (topic, 0));  // flag = 0
    sock.connect ("tcp://");  // broker address

    while (true) {
        String data = "hello";
        sock.send (data);
        sleep (1);

    sock.close ();
    ctx.term ();

Please enjoy ZPER.


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