[zeromq-dev] Strange behavior on filemq client

Victor Perron victor at iso3103.net
Thu Dec 6 13:47:13 CET 2012


It does not seem so... The weird think is that in zyre, the
agent_recv_fmq_event() function (supposed to forward the DELIVER event to
the caller) is called after a successful poll, but does not return any

The line :

     zmsg_t *msg = fmq_client_recv (fmq_client_handle (self->fmq_client));

from zre_interface.c does in fact return a NULL msg pointer for the DELIVER
message. That is why I investigated what was happening in FileMQ and found
that the DELIVER message, specifically, is not send up the pipe.

Can you have a check on this ?

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Pieter Hintjens <pieterh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Victor,
> DELIVER is being sent back up the pipe, to the calling application.
> Pieter
> On Dec 6, 2012 12:37 PM, "Victor Perron" <victor at iso3103.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been playing around with filemq lately; I have noticed something
>> weird and have not been able to fix it by myself.
>> I never receive the "DELIVER" message from filemq clients; meaning, I
>> correctly log that the message is sent (to the right pipe) in fmq_client.c
>> / process_the_patch() function, but I never receive it in the subsequent
>> polls from client_thread() -> control_message() .
>> All the other filemq messages are handled nicely; I really don't get
>> what's the matter here. Is that because the message (as opposite to the
>> others like "SET INBOX", "SET RECEIVE", "SUBSCRIBE", sent from main app
>> loop) is sent from the same loop thread that polls the command pipe ?
>> I am using the latest version of zyre to run those tests. Do you think I
>> should file a bug, or is there a simple explanation ?
>> Besr regards,
>> --
>> Victor
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