[zeromq-dev] Strange behavior on filemq client

Victor Perron victor at iso3103.net
Thu Dec 6 12:36:37 CET 2012


I have been playing around with filemq lately; I have noticed something
weird and have not been able to fix it by myself.

I never receive the "DELIVER" message from filemq clients; meaning, I
correctly log that the message is sent (to the right pipe) in fmq_client.c
/ process_the_patch() function, but I never receive it in the subsequent
polls from client_thread() -> control_message() .

All the other filemq messages are handled nicely; I really don't get what's
the matter here. Is that because the message (as opposite to the others
like "SET INBOX", "SET RECEIVE", "SUBSCRIBE", sent from main app loop) is
sent from the same loop thread that polls the command pipe ?

I am using the latest version of zyre to run those tests. Do you think I
should file a bug, or is there a simple explanation ?

Besr regards,

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