[zeromq-dev] Too much ZeroMQ overhead versus plain TCP Java NIO Epoll (with measurements)

gonzalo diethelm gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Wed Aug 29 21:14:23 CEST 2012

Julie, it is a little exasperating that you keep posting these numbers (and related questions) but, to date, have not shown the CODE used to get them. It is not possible to give a meaningful answer to your questions without looking at the EXACT code you are using. Furthermore, it would be very useful to be able to RUN the same code in one's machine, to ascertain whether the behavior is the same as you are reporting, and maybe fix something in 0MQ.

Best regards,

Gonzalo Diethelm
DCV Chile

From: zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org [mailto:zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org] On Behalf Of Julie Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 1:19 PM
To: ZeroMQ development list
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] Too much ZeroMQ overhead versus plain TCP Java NIO Epoll (with measurements)

New numbers (fun!). Firstly, to make sure I was comparing apples with apples, I modified my tests to compute one-way trip instead of round-trip. I can't paste code, but I am simply using a Java NIO (non-blocking I/O) optimized with busy spinning to send and receive tcp data. This is *standard* Java NIO code, nothing too fancy. You can google around for Java NIO. I found this link<http://www.cordinc.com/blog/2010/08/java-nio-server-example.html> that shows the basics. You can also do the same thing in C as you can see here<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27247/could-you-recommend-some-guides-about-epoll-on-linux/6150841#6150841>.

My test now consists of:

- JVM A sends a message which consist of the ascii representation of a timestamp in nanos.
- JVM B receives this message, parses the long, computer the one-way latency and echoes back the message to JVM A.
- JVM A receives the echo, parses the ascii long and makes sure that it matches the one it sent out.
- Loop back and send the next message.

So now I have both times: one-way and round-trip.

I ran my test for 1 million messages over loopback.

For ZeroMQ I am using the local_lat and remote_lat programs included with latest zeromq from here: git://github.com/zeromq/libzmq.git<http://github.com/zeromq/libzmq.git>

The results:

- ZeroMQ:

./local_lat tcp://lo:5555 13 1000000
./remote_lat tcp://<> 13 1000000

message size: 13 [B]
roundtrip count: 1000000
average latency: 19.674 [us] <==== this is one-way

- Java NIO: (EPoll with busy spinning)

Round-trip: Iterations: 1,000,000 | Avg Time: 16552.15 nanos | Min Time: 12515 nanos | Max Time: 129816 nanos | 75%: 16290 nanos | 90%: 16369 nanos | 99%: 16489 nanos | 99.999%: 16551 nanos

One-way trip: Iterations: 1,110,000 | Avg Time: 8100.12 nanos | Min Time: 6150 nanos | Max Time: 118035 nanos | 75%: 7966 nanos | 90%: 8010 nanos | 99%: 8060 nanos | 99.999%: 8099 nanos

Conclusions: That's 19.674 versus 8.100 so ZeroMQ overhead on top of TCP is 142% or 11.574 nanoseconds !!! That's excessive. I would expect 1 microsecond overhead there.

So questions remain:

1) What does ZeroMQ do under the rood that justifies so many extra clock cycles? (I am really curious to know)

2) Do people agree that 11 microseconds are just too much?

My rough guess: ZeroMQ uses threads? (the beauty of NIO is that it is single-threaded, so there is always only one thread reading and writing to the network)

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Chuck Remes <lists at chuckremes.com<mailto:lists at chuckremes.com>> wrote:

On Aug 29, 2012, at 10:13 AM, Julie Anderson wrote:

Just tested ZeroMQ and Java NIO in the same machine.

The results:

- ZeroMQ:

message size: 13 [B]
roundtrip count: 100000
average latency: 19.620 [us] <====== ONE-WAY LATENCY

- Java NIO Selector: (EPoll)

Average RTT (round-trip time) latency of a 13-byte message: 15.342 [us]
Min Time: 11.664 [us]
99.999% percentile: 15.340 [us] <====== RTT LATENCY

Conclusion: That's 39.240 versus 15.340 so ZeroMQ overhead on top of TCP is 156% or 23.900 nanoseconds !!! That's excessive. I would expect 1 or 2 microseconds there.

So my questions are:

1) What does ZeroMQ do under the rood that justifies so many extra clock cycles? (I am really curious to know)

2) Do people agree that 23 microseconds are just too much?

As a favor to me, please rerun the tests so that at least 1 million (10 million is better) messages are sent. This shouldn't take more than a few minutes to run. Thanks.

Secondly, are you using the local_lat and remote_lat programs that are included with zeromq or did you write your own? If you wrote your own, please share the code.

Thirdly, a pastie containing the code for both tests so others could independently reproduce your results would be very handy.


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