[zeromq-dev] missing events ZMQ_FD / ZMQ_EVENTS
Paul Colomiets
paul at colomiets.name
Wed Apr 25 20:29:55 CEST 2012
Hi Gerhard,
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 6:08 PM, Gerhard Lipp <gelipp at googlemail.com> wrote:
> i figured out to boil down an example, which shows this bug.
> it consists of three files:
> 1) x.lua doing the XREP XREQ stuff, must be started once
> 2) rep.lua implementing a simple echo replier, must be started once
> 3) req.lua making the request to rep.lua through x.lua. must be
> started TWICE to produce the error. THIS PROCESS LOCKS. uncommenting
> the ev.WRITE is a bad workaround to this issue.
As far as I can see, it not a workaround. It's just the way ZMQ_FD works.
Uze zmq_poll if you don't feel comfortable for that. The only way you can change
that is returning getopt(zmq.EVENTS) instead of hardcoding ev.READ + ev.WRITE
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